Living with art means, making art your language and means of expressing your emotions; Making it something that you embrace and love in your life. To appreciate art, sometimes to even have emotional feelings towards a piece of art is something that we humans have as instinct. But living with art is more than that. In the book, “living with art”, the quote, “…, is making art live by letting it engage our attention, our imagination, our intelligence”, expresses the meaning of living with art.
If a person has an eye for a piece of art , if that person responds to the art around him then this person is engaged his or her attention by art. To be living with art, a person should be engaged both his imagination and his intelligence along his attention by the art, and should be able to imagine and put that imagination to work through his or her intelligence for either appreciation of or production of art. In general, living with art is being passionate about art. Like the great artist Vincent Van Gogh said in his latter to his brother, it’s to devote yourself, heart and your soul to art. That is when you are living with art.